Another successful independent pentest.

Written by

Robert Hansen

Successful cyber security penetration test

A Sea IT current customer with class society recently performed extensive security penetration testing on a new ICT platform, BlueCORE delivered by Sea IT.
The system is an upgrade from a legacy hybrid infrastructure platform that is now entering full Sea IT management.
The penetration test was performed as part of the proof of concept (POC) both on land and onboard an operational vessel.
The tests are considered a success with zero critical & zero high vulnerabilities with only few of medium & low findings.
According to the report:
To summarise the project results, and especially considering a great achievement of zero critical and high vulnerabilities, the few findings are proving a well-defined and mature IT-security that is effectively implemented. As such, we conclude that the maritime core IT-system (BlueCORE) as delivered by Sea IT has an outstanding cyber security posture.
Sea IT has of course made sure to rid all remaining findings for the roll out on the fleet of approx. 70 vessels.
Mattias Patriksson, Managing Director of Sea IT says:
“This proves that our concept, experience & hard work to standardize the most secure and business-friendly platform in the maritime market is real and something that enables not only this customer, but all BlueCORE users to do competitive operations in their respective markets with excellent digital maturity, today and tomorrow. While staying true to their obligations and securing valid functionality for decision making both short and long term.”

Proving not only that BlueCORE is the right choice for any merchant fleet looking to become more digitally driven, but also has a direct positive impact for business as well as unbeatable total cost of ownership that makes budgeting easy.

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